TSSP: Waveform Data

Describes the waveform data file produced by
the dual resonator modeling program TDUAL.

Updated: 19 Jul 2008

This refers to the file SYS.wave (in which SYS is replaced by the system name), which is generated as the default output file of the program TDUAL. This file contains time domain waveform data plus other information, such as mode amplitudes. By default, the file will only contain information for the external, or terminal currents and voltages, ie base current, top voltage, primary current and primary voltage. If TDUAL was run with a -is and/or a -vs option then the file will also include secondary current values and/or secondary voltage values as well, resulting in a much larger file.

The file contains several record types, identified as usual by a keyword in the first field.
  Record Format
The file consists of ASCII text, records separated by newlines (LF), fields separated by whitespace. Record type is indicated by keyword in the first field.

Position Steps

A single record to indicate how many position steps the subsequent voltage and current records are supplied in. Field 3 is provided to make it easy for plotting programs to scale the spatial distribution to the number of turns.

Firing Voltage

A single record to indicate the initial primary tank voltage. When linear modeling this value can be used to scale the following voltages and currents to some other firing voltage.

Mode Amplitudes

Mode amplitudes are computed at the start of the trace, and from time to time during the trace if the load is nonlinear. Whenever the amplitudes are recalculated, a set of LAMBDA records are issued, one for each mode.

External Voltages and Currents

One each of these records for each time step. These are always generated.

Internal Voltages and Currents

A set of these for every time step, providing TDUAL was run with the -vs and -is options.
Maintainer Paul Nicholson, tssp1611@abelian.org.